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Friday 19 September 2014

Bunting workshop

Good morning everyone.

Ok, OK, I know I said I would not make another one, but……..
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…..technically I am not making one but…….
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That’s fifty ribbon pockets all at different stages, so it feels a bit like a production line.


But when finished I will have two more of these…..ooooh so that’s 75 prezzies just for me?!
Oooops, did I forget to tell you, I am not making them for anyone (sorry Janet, Mollie and Chester)…..just me.

What would you make with this ribbon?
vintage Christmas ribbon

Got to go, time to start ironing those pockets flat.
Have a great weekend.
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1 comment:

  1. Oh that's gorgeous. I know what you mean, sometimes you just gotta make another one cos it's so pretty. Love the tag ribbon. How great for a vintage project. I think they would make lovely gift tags sewn on some coloured cotton fabric or great ornaments for the tree. Sew them back to back and add a little stuffing. No, not paxo!!! Although I am a fan of that type as well. Hugz


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